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Services Provided

Individual Therapy

$80 | 45 min session
$100 | 60 min session
$200 | 90 min session

Individual counseling offers one-on-one attention to process and explore what's going on in your life and collaborative development of effective coping skills, healthier ways of relating to others, and better ways to take care of yourself.

Couples Therapy

                     $200 |  90 min session (Total)
Broken down in 30 minute increments
             PERSON A     |  30min session
               PERSON B      |   30 min session
Couple Together   |   30 min session

Couples therapy is an opportunity to readjust your relationship to better meet each of your needs.  I conduct separate assessments and gather understanding of you and your significant other as individuals prior to meeting as a couple. The goal of couple’s therapy is to more towards developing healthier ways of communicating and connecting to one another.

Family Therapy

$50/person | 60 min session (Total)
Broken down in 15 minute increments
*Minimum 2 People*
             PERSON A     |  15 min session
              PERSON B      |   15 min session
 Family Together   |   30 min session

Family Therapy involves whole or parts of a family. Similar to couples therapy, each individual (2 or more will be individually seen prior to family session) The goal of family therapy is to nurture change and development amongst members. Finding solutions within family relationships has found to be beneficial in emotional health.

Online Therapy

Online counseling is not appropriate for MINORS under age 14, those with suicidal thoughts, or those with severe mental illness. Internet sessions are only available to clients who are California State residents and only after initial intake information has been conducted Session fee: $80 (*Sliding Scale Available) 

Additional Services

I'm excited to offer services that open up a bigger market of people that I can help. During these troubling COVID-19 times, it's crucial that help for all is available. Our world will never be the same and the shift has taken over our lives. We've all had to adjust and I'm now just a click away!

Bilingual Services

Todos los servicios están disponibles en español, sin embargo, para permitir más tiempo para completar y traducir los documentos necesarios, estos servicios también se proporcionan en y $10 adicionales por hora. Además, puedo vincularlo a un recurso que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades únicas después de nuestra primera sesión

I'm happy to join and be part of the conversation!

Interested in a collaboration?

Radio Blogs

Speaking Engagements

Zoom Conference

Excerpts from Pink Ladies Talk Podcast

"Entanglements: Inappropriate boundaries in help-based relationships" For more podcasts Join Pink Ladies Talk below!

How Do I Get Therapy

00:00 / 01:28

Black Mental Health

00:00 / 06:04

Therapy vs. Psychiatry

00:00 / 00:38

Will & Jada – Therapy or Nah?

00:00 / 02:09

Helping Healing

00:00 / 01:03

Book An Appointment, Score PPE

I'm excited to share some COVID-19 gifts with my clients during these uncertain times – from hand sanitizers to masks, keychains, and more. Book your appointment today!

Se Habla Español
How should you go about Therapy?

Services Also Available at

Better Help

Visit Now
For every $60 donation, you are helping one person get  1 free therapy session.

I have pledged to donate hours of free therapy through pro-bono sessions during a time where there's overwhelming grief, challenges, tragedies, and adjustments in all walks of life across the globe! 


2020 has shown us that nobody is EXEMPT from feeling the impact of stress and uncertainty and loss. My heart goes out to you all and I have pledged to sacrifice my time and talent to ALL. 


As a small business owner/mother/mental health Frontline worker, I too am adjusting. Validation, emotional support, and a judgment free environment to safely share life's triumphs and turnarounds, tribulations, and tragedies, mental health is VITAL and crucial!! 


I am running this business and would love to be able to assist, however, I still need to provide and continue to meet my family, professional, and financial responsibility please consider donating by a share, mention, network, donation to Porsche Cares Therapeutic Health Services. 


I am accessible on several platforms and providing emotional support and skills building, healing, and calm during this storm... From California to Canada, New York Australia, Saudi Arabia, India, and Indiana alike. Please consider donating to this cause. #porschelcswcares

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